Teeth Whitening
Componeer Composite Veneers
Dermal Fillers and Wrinkle Relaxers
Porcelain veneers are made of thin shells of porcelain which are custom made and bonded to your teeth. They are used to whiten a tooth and/or change the shape of it. You can have veneers on one tooth or a number of teeth to completely change the way you smile.
Porcelain veneers can help correct teeth that have chips, surface cracks, gaps, or are broken. They can help even out teeth that are too long or short, uneven, misaligned, and can also whiten teeth that are stained or discolored. Porcelain veneers are also needed to correct teeth that’s enamel has been worn, or the wear and tear of teeth caused through the ageing process.
Porcelain veneers are highly durable and can restore the normal functioning of your teeth. Your teeth may look more natural, healthier, and stronger. Porcelain veneers will not stain and can last a very long time if cared for properly.
At Main Street Dental, we need to prepare a tooth for a porcelain veneer. To do this we remove a small amount of the tooth from its front surface. An impression of the tooth is taken and then a dental technician then constructs a thin layer of porcelain that is cemented to the tooth. This layer can be made whiter, larger, or smaller than the original tooth to change its appearance.
Temporary veneers are fitted onto the teeth until the custom-made porcelain veneers are ready. When the custom-made porcelain veneers are ready, our dentist will remove the temporary veneers then place the porcelain veneers onto your natural teeth using strong bonding cement and a special curing light. After the treatment is complete, it is very important to maintain good oral hygiene to avoid complications. A porcelain veneer can last for up to eight years depending on individual circumstances.
COMPONEER® is a brand-new type of veneer. COMPONEER® is made from 0.3mm veneer coating. They are designed to look shiny and natural adding a fresh look to your tooth restoration. Our dedicated team at Main Street Dental will examine your tooths condition to determine if your oral health is suitable for the COMPONEER® veneers. Click here to learn more about this treatment option.
If you would like more information or are ready to book a consultation please contact the team at Main Street Dental.
All surgical procedures carry risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
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