Teeth Whitening
Componeer Composite Veneers
Dermal Fillers and Wrinkle Relaxers
With the busy lifestyle that we lead today and sporting activities, tooth avulsion is a problem. More and more sports are making mouthguards a priority which is decreasing the incidence of accidents. However, leisure activities such as skateboarding and rollerblading are adding to the problem. Often, people with prominent teeth have a higher incidence of tooth damage occurring in the event of an accident. Acting quickly when a tooth is lost can save the tooth.
Follow up visits will need to be made to determine the treatment plan for the tooth. In many cases, root canal therapy will have to be performed.
If you are experiencing any of the mentioned emergency situations, we recommend that you attend to it immediately. Book an appointment at Main Street Dental as soon as possible before the problem becomes worse.
All surgical procedures carry risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
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