Teeth Whitening
Componeer Composite Veneers
Dermal Fillers and Wrinkle Relaxers
We also endeavour to correct narrow top jaws, smaller lower jaws or preserve space so that second teeth can erupt correctly in a good position.
Did you know that there are benefits to correcting teeth and misaligned jaws while the teeth are still developing? It is recommended that children have an orthodontic evaluation by age 7. Though treatment may not be needed now, early intervention allows dentists to monitor your child’s teeth as they grow. This way, we can ensure timely detection of any orthodontic issues.
Early detection of issues allows for more efficient and effective treatment. Your child’s first adult molars begin to erupt around age 7. These molars establish the back of the bite and proper alignment for the teeth.
By screening at an early age, we can watch for potential issues as your child’s teeth develop. Some of these orthodontic issues may include:
There are many immediate and long-term advantages to early intervention orthodontic treatment. This includes: Some of these orthod
To learn more about early intervention orthodontics, contact our friendly team today.
All surgical procedures carry risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
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